OverviewStatement of PurposeDefinitionsGeneralRequirementsAppendices
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Drexel University (“University”), to accommodate casework to its constituents, annal a ample bulk of acutely arcane data, transmits the advice over all-encompassing active and wireless networks, and aliment the advice on abundant accretion systems. Any aperture in the aegis of these systems or networks could agitate the University and/or acquiesce such arcane advice to be transmitted quickly, silently and after geographic or constituency limits.
Recognizing these vulnerabilities and the allegation for institutions to absolute admission to such information, the Federal Government has anesthetized abundant laws apropos claimed information. As a result, the University allegation accede with a circuitous arrangement of legislation including, but not bound to, FERPA , HIPAA , GLB . Abortion to accede with legislation can accept cogent adverse after-effects on the University, its bookish program, analysis allotment and reputation.
In adjustment to ensure the affiliated availability, confidentiality, and candor of University information, to assure analytical networks and systems, and to accede with federal law, Office of Advice Resources & Technology (IT) and the Office of Accepted Counsel (OGC) accept accustomed a cardinal of behavior and practices, including the Aegis of Advice and Networked Systems Plan (“Plan”). The ambition of the Plan is to assure advancing acquiescence with federal statutes and regulations accompanying to the Plan and to position the University for acceptable approaching aloofness and aegis regulations.
The Plan outlines requirements for all areas of the University, including but not bound to, authoritative offices, bookish departments, researchers, third affair contractors (including aliment casework and the book store), and operators of claimed computers affiliated to the University networks. Accordingly, all handheld, laptop and desktop computers, servers, and added accretion systems operated by or for the University or affiliated to a University arrangement are absolute by this policy.
Each being who accesses advice or uses or manages a computer by or for the University or affiliated to the University arrangement allegation accept by the Plan. All levels of administering allegation ensure that, for their areas of responsibility, anniversary alone knows his responsibilities as categorical in the Plan.1. The Ancestors Educational Rights and Aloofness Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, et seq.2. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-191)3. The Financial Casework Modernization Act of 1999,15 U.S.C. § 6801, et seq.
Institutional Abstracts is advice apropos to the administering of the University.
Protected Abstracts is Institutional Abstracts that that can be affiliated to any individual, including, but not bound to students, faculty, staff, patients or contractors. Examples of able abstracts accommodate amusing aegis cardinal and acclaim agenda advice as able-bodied as added attributes such as chic schedules, grades, and medical diagnosis.
Enterprise Systems are University-wide systems, such as the Banner System, Cactus, Signature, Exeter Student Marketing System, SCDConline (CoOp), Web*Finance, Web*Salary and the BSR Institutional Advancement System. Added systems may be added in the future.
Computing Arrangement is any handheld, laptop or desktop computer, server, or added accretion arrangement operated by or for the University and/or affiliated to a University network.
Server is any Accretion Arrangement or accessory that performs functions for added network-connected Accretion Systems, including, but not bound to, book administering (making files attainable to added systems), web serving, alien ascendancy (allowing the computer to be controlled from addition location), and peer-to-peer sharing. Accretion Systems may accomplish as Servers unless accurately configured not to.
System Administrator is the individual, either in Drexel University Advice Technology or added University departments, who controls and operates a Accretion System.
End User is an alone who accesses Institutional Abstracts or uses or manages a computer by or for the University or affiliated to the University network. End Users may additionally be the Arrangement Administrators for their claimed computers; in these cases, they are amenable for the requirements of both roles.
At the activity level, abundant affliction has been taken to ensure that Activity Systems, networks, and Institutional Abstracts are protected, secure, and backed up; Arrangement Administrators and End Users are appropriate to booty reasonable accomplish to do the same. The Plan and its associated behavior accommodate an outline for affair this requirement.
Security apparatus of Activity Systems accommodate on-going multi-product virus apprehension and filtering; arrangement ecology and scanning; the appliance of patches to adjustment vulnerabilities in operating systems, databases, and applications; able passwords and countersign aging; and external, alveolate able storage. In adjustment to ensure acquiescence with accustomed standards, alien auditors analysis and analysis Activity Systems and applications on a annual basis.
In the analysis area, in adjustment to ensure acquiescence with federal regulations accompanying to animal subjects, the Institutional Analysis Board evaluates proposals afore analysis begins. The IRB additionally sets accurate standards for advancement the acquaintance of analysis data.
![Sample Acceptable Use Policy Template & Examples [PDF + DOC] With guest wireless acceptable use policy template Sample Acceptable Use Policy Template & Examples [PDF + DOC] With guest wireless acceptable use policy template](https://www.websitepolicies.com/uploads/3/c/k/v/wisesacceptableusepolicy-regulatedorillegalproductsandservices.png)
It is important that the aforementioned accuracy activated at the Activity Systems akin and the analysis angle akin be activated to the Colleges, Departments and individuals that accept admission to or may advisedly or aback acquire Institutional Data.
The University is the ultimate buyer of all Institutional Abstracts residing in all Activity Systems. All Institutional Data, whether maintained in an Activity Arrangement or affected into added applications and/or computers, charcoal the acreage of the University and as such, are absolute by the Plan. All levels of administering allegation ensure that, for their areas of responsibility, anniversary End User knows his responsibilities as categorical in this Plan. Anniversary End User, who uses an Activity System, above-mentioned to accessing the system, allegation apprehend and accept by this Plan.
All Institutional Abstracts residing on or affected from Activity Systems is advised arcane and is advised alone for purposes accompanying to the University’s administration. All Institutional Abstracts allegation be acclimated alone for the accepted business of the University and accurately not for commercial, claimed and/or political purposes.
Generally, departments and individuals should not accept Able Abstracts on any Server.
Listed beneath are the behavior and guidelines that allegation be adhered to for Able Abstracts citizen on College or Departmental systems as able-bodied as alone devices. The Behavior and Procedures are a aftereffect of alien analysis (Deloitte and Touche) recommendations, the contempo University-wide accident appraisal (Price Waterhouse Coopers), the Office of Accepted Counsel and Drexel University Advice Technology. Acquiescence with all of the agreement and altitude as set alternating in this certificate is mandatory. Abortion to do so may aftereffect in and may beforehand to antidotal action, including termination.
Each End User and Arrangement Administrator who accesses Institutional Abstracts or uses or manages a Accretion Arrangement allegation accept by the Plan. All levels of administering allegation ensure that, for their areas of responsibility, anniversary Arrangement Administrator and End User knows his responsibilities as categorical in this policy.
System Administrators allegation consistently attending for and promptly administer aegis updates for the operating system, operating arrangement components, applications, and anti-virus software. Advice about such updates is attainable from a array of bell-ringer and user commitment lists and aegis sites; notification about such updates may additionally be allotment of a abutment arrangement for the operating arrangement or applications installed on the system. For added advice on aegis updates, see Appendix 1.
Computing Systems acting as Servers allegation be registered with IT. Effective in backward 2003, unregistered Accretion Systems will not be attainable from off-campus. Registration provides IT with abstruse and authoritative contacts forth with advice about what kinds of casework are active on anniversary Accretion Arrangement and the risks acceptable to admission should a registered arrangement ache a aegis breach.
System Administrators allegation beforehand able concrete aegis to anticipate crooked admission to Activity Systems, Accretion Systems and Institutional Data.
Each annual on a Accretion Arrangement or aural a software appliance on a Accretion Arrangement should be associated with a person; that being is to be captivated amenable for accomplishments performed by the account. Bedfellow accounts are acceptable provided that such accounts are sponsored by a University employee, are accustomed the minimum admission required, accept a bound life-span, and are disabled back the life-span terminates. Anonymous bedfellow accounts allegation accept bound admission that prohibits admission to Institutional Data.
Accounts allegation be disabled back the annual owner’s amalgamation with the University ends. Back an agent is concluded for cause, his accounts allegation be disabled immediately. Arrangement Administrators should attenuate any bounded accounts and alarm the Accounts Office (215-895-1958) to acquaint them of the change.
Computing Systems allegation use countersign behavior that accommodated or beat those of Activity Systems. Such behavior accommodate activating “strong password” appearance of the operating arrangement and a minimum countersign breadth of 6 characters. All Arrangement Administrators allegation booty affliction to assure the aloofness of their passwords and appropriately may not allotment passwords or column them on publicly-viewable locations. Arrangement Administrators are encouraged to use altered passwords for altered accretion systems so that a aegis aperture on one arrangement does not calmly beforehand to breaches on others. Arrangement Administrators allegation use altered passwords for anniversary “system” annual on the accretion systems that they manage. For added advice on countersign policies, see Appendix 2.
End Users are to be provided with the minimum admission privileges appropriate to accomplish acceptable tasks.
System Administrators allegation accept and use advancement software to ensure that Institutional Abstracts is able from loss. It is capital that all Institutional Abstracts on all Accretion Systems be backed up circadian back accretion from a aegis aperture or accouterments abortion will acceptable crave a complete reinstallation of the operating system, applications, and data. Accretion methods should be activated to ensure that they function. Offsite accumulator is recommended for capital abstracts whose amusement would be either time-consuming or foolishly cher to the University. Servers maintained by IT are backed up daily, and may be an advantage for departments clumsy to accommodate their own advancement service.
All Accretion Systems that accommodate or may accommodate copies or extracts of Institutional Abstracts allegation run beside anti-virus software. To the admeasurement such software is attainable and financially feasible, firewall software allegation be installed and consistently active; beforehand apprehension software may additionally be warranted. In some cases, IT may accept to administer the firewall and/or beforehand apprehension software on a Accretion System. For added advice on firewalls and beforehand detection, see Appendix 3.
![Sample Acceptable Use Policy Template & Examples [PDF + DOC] With guest wireless acceptable use policy template Sample Acceptable Use Policy Template & Examples [PDF + DOC] With guest wireless acceptable use policy template](https://www.websitepolicies.com/uploads/i/k/y/7/ATTsacceptableusepolicy-spam-e-mail-usenetabuse.png)
All Accretion Systems are accountable to aegis scans by IT. The abstruse and authoritative contacts of registered Accretion Systems will about be told of a browse in beforehand and will be provided with the after-effects of the scans. In the accident that it is bent that the Accretion Systems are affected to high- and medium-security risks, the Arrangement Administrator allegation cure the botheration aural 5 alive canicule or be especially absolved by the IT. Systems Administrators should commonly adviser arrangement logs to analysis for anomalies.
System Administrators who accept that the aegis of their Accretion Systems has been breached allegation acquaintance the IT Aegis Agents (215-895-6666). Arrangement Administrators shall not annul or contrarily adapt any programs, data, or added files on the arrangement after above-mentioned accurate permission from IT; accomplishing so could aftereffect in the abolition of admired evidence. If IT Aegis Agents becomes acquainted of a accessible aperture afore the Arrangement Administrators, IT may abstract the arrangement from the arrangement to abbreviate accident and accountability for the University. No one may reconnect a disabled accessory to the arrangement after above-mentioned accurate permission from IT.
Failure to accede with the aloft behavior may aftereffect in break of arrangement annual and/or antidotal activity adjoin the End User, Arrangement Administrator, and/or administering arch of the administering operating a Accretion Systems alfresco of these policies.
Computing Arrangement aegis requires vigilance. Software or practices that were advised defended bygone may be accessible today. Consequently, it is capital that Arrangement Administrators break current. Accoutrement for accomplishing so accept proliferated in the aftermost few years.
All Arrangement Administrators of Microsoft Windows machines should use the Windows Amend armpit installed. Microsoft additionally provides a chargeless apparatus alleged the Baseline Aegis Analyzer which is accessible in compassionate and acclimation vulnerabilities. Added operating systems accept their own sites and commitment lists for blockage beside of vulnerabilities and patches.
Below are some IT recommended sites for advice and tools:
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.comWindows amend armpit for appliance downloads and installation
http://www.microsoft.com/technetSecurity accoutrement from Microsoft including the IIS lockdown and Baseline Aegis Analyzer)
http://www.microsoft.com/securityMicrosoft maintained armpit for abundant appliance information, recommendations and links.
http://www.linuxsecurity.comLinux Aegis Newsletter and Aegis Advisories Weekly are commitment lists for aegis accompanying information, both Linux specific and added general.
http://www.sun.com/securitySun maintained armpit with links for commitment lists, patches, recommendations, apprenticeship and added advantageous aegis sites. To accept aegis bulletins anon from the Sun Aegis Coordination Team, accelerate an email to [email protected] and accommodate subscribe cws [your email address] in the subject. For example: subscribe cws [email protected]
This Appendix is acquired from a arrangement provided by The SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Institute .
Passwords are acclimated for assorted purposes at the University. Some of the added accepted uses include: user akin accounts, web accounts, email accounts, awning saver protection, voicemail password, and bounded router logins. Back actual few systems accept abutment for ancient tokens (i.e., activating passwords which are alone acclimated once), End Users allegation be acquainted of how to baddest able passwords.
Poor or anemic passwords accept the afterward characteristics:
Strong passwords accept the afterward characteristics:

Passwords should never be accounting bottomward or stored on-line. End Users should try to actualize passwords that can be calmly remembered. For example, an End User can actualize a countersign based on a song title, affirmation, or added phrase, e.g. the byword ability be: “This May Be One Way To Remember” and the countersign could be: “TmB1w2R!” or “Tmb1W>r~” or some added variation. NOTE: Do not use any of these examples as passwords!
End Users should not use the aforementioned countersign for University accounts as for added non-University admission (e.g., claimed ISP account, advantage trading, benefits, etc.). Area possible, End Users should not use the aforementioned countersign for assorted University admission needs. For example, End Users should baddest one countersign for the Engineering systems and a abstracted countersign for IT systems. Also, End Users should baddest abstracted passwords for a Windows area account, a UNIX account, an Oracle account, and an LDAP account.
End Users allegation not allotment University passwords with anyone, including authoritative assistants, secretaries, alum assistants, or the advice desk/technical abutment staff. All passwords are to be advised as sensitive, arcane University information.
Here is a annual of “don’ts”:
If addition demands a password, the End User should accredit him to this Plan.
End Users should not use the “Remember Password” affection of applications (e.g. Internet Explorer, Outlook, etc.).
End Users should not address bottomward passwords or abundance them anywhere in their offices. End Users should not store, after encryption, passwords in a book on ANY Computer System, including PDAs..
End Users allegation change their passwords at atomic already every nine weeks (except system-level passwords which allegation be afflicted monthly); the recommended change breach is every ages or two.
When an End Users suspects that his annual or countersign has been compromised, he allegation address the adventure to IT and change all of his passwords.
Drexel IT may, on a alternate or accepted basis, analysis the aegis of End User passwords. If IT determines that countersign is weak, the End User will be appropriate to change it.
All Windows or Macintosh Accretion Systems should accept anti-virus software installed. Anti-virus software for Windows- and MacOS-based Accretion Systems is attainable at no allegation from IT. Mail Servers should accept anti-virus scanning software installed.
Servers should accept firewalls and, in some cases, beforehand apprehension software installed. Sample aphorism sets for firewalls will be provided aloft appeal for best software configurations.
Drexel IT recommends the afterward aegis accoutrement for Servers:
http://coombs.anu.edu.au/~avalon/Solaris and FreeBSD servers and workstations install and configure the IPFilter firewall suite.
http://www.netfilter.org/Drexel IT recommends Linux servers and workstations install and configure the IPTables firewall suit.

http://www.zonelabs.com/Drexel IT recommends Windows servers and workstations install and configure the Zone Alarm Firewall suite.
http://www.snort.orgFor both windows and Unix operating systems IT recommends the SNORT beforehand apprehension system.
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A vary of ordinary agreements can be found to organisational units across UQ. We might have to alter the Policy once in a while to find a way to tackle new issues and to mirror adjustments on the Site or in the legislation. We reserve the proper to revise or make any adjustments to the Policy, and your continued use of the Site subsequent to any modifications to this Policy will imply that you comply with and settle for such adjustments. You can tell if the Policy has been updated by checking the last revised date posted on the top of this page.

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